Eileen Brady: Murders of a Feather. Dr. Kate Vet (3rd)
Catherine Bruns: Syrup to No Good. Maple Syrup (2nd)
Diane Capri: Bet On Jack. Hunt for Jack Reacher (20th)
Ann Claire: Last Word to the Wise. Christie Bookshop (2nd)
Maya Corrigan: A Parfait Crime. Five-Ingredient (9th)
Courtney Davis: Lucky Rabbit's Foot. Fawn Malero (4th)
Mark de Castrique: Dangerous Women. Secret Lives (2nd)
Wendy Dranfield: Her Lonely Bones. Detective Madison Harper (6th)
Robert Dugoni: One Last Kill. Trace Crosswhite (10th)
Lynette Eason: Christmas in the Crosshairs. Elite Guardians (4th)
Larry Enmon: Murder So Foul.
Amanda Flower: Dating Can Be Deadly. Amish Matchmaker (5th)
Sarah Fox: Baking Spirits Bright. True Confections (2nd)
Anne Frasier: The Night I Died.
Simon Gervais: The Last Guardian. Clayton White (3rd)
Ellen Gilman: Mutts Murder And Mayhem. Houndsville (3rd)
Phyllis Gobbell: Notorious in Nashville. Jordan Mayfair (4th)
Emylia Hall: The Harbour Lights Mystery. Shell House Detectives (2nd)
Victoria Hamilton: Sieve and Let Die. Vintage Kitchen (11th)
Greg Herren: Death Drop. Killer Queen (1st)
David Hodges: Storm on the Levels. Detective Kate Hamblin (12th)
D. K. Hood: Where Hidden Souls Lie. Detectives Kane and Alton (20th)
Stephen Ivaskevicius: A Fallen Angel Key.
Sybil Johnson: Brush Up On Murder. Aurora Anderson (6th)
S. W. Kane: The Drowning Place. Detective Lew Kirby (2nd)
Mary Keliikoa: Deadly Tides. Misty Pines (2nd)
Diane Kelly: Snow Place for Murder. Mountain Lodge (3rd)
Joe Kilgore: Carrion Moon. Brig Ellis (3rd)
Karen King: The Retreat.
B. Davis Kroon: Revenge Hit. Ben Leit (2nd)
Eriq La Salle: Laws of Annihilation. Martyr Maker (3rd)
L. A. Larkin: First Victim. Sally Fairburn (3rd)
Jenn McKinlay: Sugar Plum Poisoned. Cupcake Bakery (15th)
Dana Mentink: Spoon to be Dead. Shake Shop (3rd)
Alan Orloff: Sanctuary Motel. Mess Hopkins (1st)
D. MacNeill Parker: Death in Dutch Harbor.
Elizabeth Penney: The Fatal Folio. Cambridge Bookshop (3rd)
Harry Pinkus: Justified Malice. Miles Darien (2nd)
David Putnam: A Lonesome Blood-Red Sun. Dave Beckett (2nd)
Wendall Thomas: Cheap Trills. Cyd Redondo (4th)
G. Wayne Tilman: Elusive Heiress. Nick Wolf and Lola Caldwell (2nd)
Cam Torrens: False Summit. tyler Zahn (2nd)
Amir Tsarfati: Out of the Far North. Nir Tavor Mossad (3rd)
Karen C. Whalen: Friends Come to Call. Tow Truck Murder (4th)